Page titles are the most important factors for ranking on your page. Page title can be seen only in your html code under document head section. It can also be seen at the top of the browser.
Page title tags are different as your page text title. They represent more than 50 % importance to search engines as all the other factors together. So be sure to optimize your page title correctly.
So probably you are asking me how should I write the best page title, what is the best page title tag to have on my site. Well the answer is not easy. On recent SEO seminar I have heard a guy that was talking about page titles.
He said never to change page title tag of your site or page if that page is number 1 in search engines. As soon as you change your title a little bit, your ranking may drop from no.1 position to no. 20 for example.
But here is the catch, if you put the page title back like it was before, your site will move back to the previous position. Usually this really happens if you do not do any other major changes on your page or site.
So how to select a good title page title?
Use specific titles, a description of specific products that you sale. do not use general page titles like web design. There are millions of websites out there that are your direct competition. Be more specific. You can focus on regional keywords like web design joomla los angeles. This is a better selection for you title. There is far less competition for that title, and you might reach high position in search engines only for that keyword web design joomla los angeles.
You must not use duplicate titles on your website. For example not even 2 page title tags should be the same. Manually write your page titles. I mean you wil not get banned by google if you leave all your titles the same, what will happen is you will not rank as good as you could.
Research your keywords before you use them in your page title tags. Yo might use wordtracker (my favourite tool), overture, google suggestion, google adwords backend etc.
Your title must describe the content of your page. So you should use the same keywords in title and also in your body content inside your page text. That is a must, there might be some google filters that might engage if you are not careful using the correct title tags.
I am not saying that with only page titles you will reach your goal , you have to optimize also other parts of your site. But write for users not for search engines. Search engines will reward you with good traffic.
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